The Best Podcasts for Learning New Skills and Expanding Your Knowledge

In today’s fast-paced world, podcasts have become a convenient way to gain knowledge and learn new skills. Whether you’re commuting, exercising, or simply relaxing, these audio shows are perfect for staying informed and educated. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best podcasts that can help you expand your horizons and acquire new skills.

The Tim Ferriss Show

Host: Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is an entrepreneur, author, and public speaker known for his bestselling book The 4-Hour Workweek. In his podcast, Ferriss interviews world-class performers from various fields, extracting practical tips and strategies that listeners can apply in their own lives. The show’s focus on productivity, personal development, and skill acquisition makes it a must-listen.

TED Talks Daily

Host: Various

TED Talks are renowned for spreading ideas worth sharing. The TED Talks Daily podcast brings these influential talks to your favorite podcast platform. Episodes cover a wide range of topics, from technology and science to personal growth and leadership. This podcast is an excellent resource for gaining new insights and perspectives.

How I Built This

Host: Guy Raz

Guy Raz dives into the stories behind some of the world’s best-known companies. Entrepreneurs and innovators share their journeys, revealing the challenges they faced and the lessons they learned along the way. This podcast provides valuable insights into entrepreneurship and business strategy, making it essential for anyone looking to build or grow a venture.

Freakonomics Radio

Hosts: Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt

Based on the bestselling book Freakonomics, this podcast delves into the hidden side of everything. Hosts Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt explore unique and often surprising explanations for various aspects of everyday life. The show’s in-depth analysis and intriguing topics make it a great choice for curious minds seeking to understand the world better.

The Smart Passive Income Podcast

Host: Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn shares strategies and advice on building online businesses and creating passive income streams. With interviews, case studies, and actionable tips, this podcast is perfect for aspiring entrepreneurs and anyone looking to increase their financial independence. Flynn’s approachable style and valuable insights make it a standout in the business category.

The Daily Stoic

Host: Ryan Holiday

For those interested in philosophy and personal development, The Daily Stoic offers daily insights based on Stoic principles. Host Ryan Holiday provides practical wisdom from ancient philosophers like Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius, helping listeners apply these timeless teachings to modern life. This podcast is ideal for anyone seeking to cultivate resilience, mindfulness, and inner peace.


Podcasts are an excellent medium for continuous learning and personal growth. With so many high-quality shows available, you can easily find content that aligns with your interests and goals. The podcasts mentioned above are just a starting point; explore these recommendations and discover other podcasts that resonate with you on your journey to acquiring new skills and expanding your knowledge.